Feeding challenges and mental health

Feeding challenges and mental health

Looking after our mental health in times of stress   Fussy eating and feeding challenges can cause a lot of stress for caregivers. Our mental health is important and supporting it directly impacts feeding and mealtimes. I don’t know about you but the things we...
Should we let children play with their food?

Should we let children play with their food?

Should we let children play with their food?    Children need to have time and opportunity to play with their food, in order to learn about and become comfortable with a range of foods. Playing with food allows for children to learn about the sensory properties...
Why won’t you sit still?

Why won’t you sit still?

Why won’t you sit still? Does your child struggle to sit still for the duration of a meal, often fidgeting, moving around, sitting on their knees, or preferring to stand? To ourselves we are thinking, why won’t they just sit still, it’s not that hard. It is likely...
Is it more than just ‘Fussy Eating’?

Is it more than just ‘Fussy Eating’?

Is it more than just ‘Fussy Eating?’ ‘Fussy Eating’ or ‘Picky Eating’ is a term commonly used when describing a child who is restrictive or selective around their food choices. For us, ‘Fussy Eating’ is a red flag for an underlying feeding challenge. A child typical...
I’m on a sugar high!

I’m on a sugar high!

It is inevitable that with Easter time comes an influx of chocolate and sweet foods. Below are some tips for managing ‘treat foods’. Nourish’s tips: Serving “treat foods” alongside other foods, eg: serving easter chocolate with crackers and apples, rather than just...
Tube Feeding – Let’s start the conversation

Tube Feeding – Let’s start the conversation

Tube Feeding – Let’s start the conversation  The focus of this blog is to begin the conversation around Tube Feeding, as it has affected and continues to affect a large number of children.  Tube feeding is often presented to whānau as a last resort...
You’re making a mess!

You’re making a mess!

You’re making a mess! Why it is important to allow mess when learning to eat  Crumbs on the floor, yogurt on the wall, pancakes on the ceiling, flour through the hair…. Okay, it may not quite be that extreme but yes, I understand that mess, is mess, is...