

We provide mobile, in home specialist feeding support to children 6 months to 16 years, with challenging eating behaviours, limited and restricted diets, and paediatric feeding disorders, within Canterbury, New Zealand. Not based in Canterbury? We offer assessment and therapy services via telehealth.


Initial Assessment Consultations:

Our comprehensive assessment occurs as a two-part process, the first completed as a caregiver-only session, via telehealth (approximately 60-90 minutes). 

This is a caregiver only session to provide the therapist and caregiver time to gather background information and identify your concerns regarding your child and their feeding behaviors/habits. 

The second part of the assessment occurs at your home with the child and caregivers, completing a shared mealtime together, running for approximately 60 minutes. This provides opportunity for the therapist to observe mealtime behaviors and concerns identified from the caregiver session. 

The whānau are encouraged to provide a few ‘safe’ food options and 1-2 ‘new or less preferred’ foods for the shared mealtime. The therapist will bring a few new foods to contribute to the shared mealtime.

1-1  Therapy

Therapy sessions are tailored and individual to meet your unique needs and goals: With so many feeding therapy approaches, it is important that whānau dynamics and the child’s individual needs are considered when choosing the best therapy approach for your whānau.

Whole team approach: Incorporating our holistic approach, we often involve professionals in your care team, community groups, cultural groups and whānau. We will liaise with your GP, Paediatrician, additional health professionals (Speech & Language Therapist, Dietitian, Psychologist) and school/ECE support staff to ensure everyone is on board, to create consistency. 

As therapy is individual, the frequency is determined by your goals, approach used and needs of your whānau.


Empower and Support Feeding Program

Coming soon 


Are you an Early Childhood Center, Kindergarten, Preschool, Community Group or School who support young children? 

Rebecca is available to provide in house training and education for staff, educators, therapists, and support workers who support children daily, particularly surrounding mealtimes. This service is available for small to large group sizes, in your preferred location. 

Please contact Rebecca directly for quoting, funding options and further information.

Feeding Therapy Training

Funding options

Please reach out to discuss funding options available as there often are options. 

Privately funded: 

You may choose to privately fund your child’s therapy, to receive support with managing mealtimes at home.

Individualized funding (IF): 

You may be entitled to a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) if your child has a physical, intellectual and/or sensory impairment or disability that is likely to continue for a minimum of 6 months and reduces their ability to function independently, to the extent that ongoing support is required. In addition, a person with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may also be eligible for a need’s assessment. 

This Needs Assessment will identify your child’s needs and how much support would be required to meet the disability related goals. You can choose to allocate some of your budget towards therapy, so long as it is meeting your disability related needs and goals.

ACC- Case by Case basis as assessed by ACC  

We are a registered ACC provider therefore can provide therapy services that are in line with your ACC goals. The ACC portion is a contribution to the cost of therapy.

This may include (but not limited to):

  • Medical or surgical complications resulting in injury or illness, leading to feeding difficulties. 
  • Injury impacting your physical feeding skills.

Please note, ACC cost will only partly cover the cost of attending therapy.

Child Disability Allowance and Disability Allowance

If you are entitled to the child disability or disability allowance, you may choose to contribute this towards subsiding therapy costs.

Upside Downs 

Tamariki with Down Syndrome can apply to Upside Downs Trust for funding toward therapy with a Speech and Language Therapist 

Variety Foundation

Individuals can apply to Variety’s Individual Grants program to apply for funding to cover medical and therapy costs up to $2000. We are happy to assist with this process so please get in touch.