Parental Mental Health during Feeding Challenges

Parental Mental Health during Feeding Challenges

Parental Mental Health Month The month of March brings awareness to Parental Mental Health, a hugely important topic, particularly regarding raising a child experiencing Paediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD). A quote from Feeding Matters, an organization raising awareness...
Navigating the School Lunch Box

Navigating the School Lunch Box

Children with Fussy Eating and/or Paediatric Feeding Disorder (and their parents) can find the school lunch box a place of worry, stress, and uncertainty.   Are there going to be foods that I know I can eat? Are my teachers and peers going to ask me how much I...
When to seek help?

When to seek help?

When do I need feeding therapy? What flags should I look out for? When is it more than just Fussy Eating?  These are frequently asked questions parents are asking as to when feeding therapy is needed. For some of our tamariki their feeding therapy journey begins very...
Fussy Eating and the Holidays

Fussy Eating and the Holidays

Fussy eating and the holidays  Children experiencing Fussy Eating, Paediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) or ARFID, often find the holidays overwhelming and stressful. Caregivers of children experiencing feeding challenges, also find the holidays extremely stressful and...
Occupational Therapy role in Feeding Therapy

Occupational Therapy role in Feeding Therapy

This blog is dedicated to my favourite profession (biasedly because it is my profession), which is Occupational Therapy! Typically, a dietician or speech therapist is sought after regarding feeding therapy, while their role is important, an Occupational Therapy role...